Sewn Modern Quilt Patterns

Longarm Quilting Pantographs: Finding Inspiration


Longarm Quilting Pantographs: Finding Inspiration

  Hi there! I’m Katie of Modern Textiles, a second-generation quilter (or maybe more?). Sadly, my grandma passed before I was wise enough to ask about her own quilting journey and whether she was self-taught or if it was a craft passed down from her mother. Ok, back to fun times!   My grandma was an absolute boss at upcycling anything (literally anything). Think 70s leisure suits, jeans cut the full length of the pant, and sewn into a quilt. Nothing went to waste when it came to fabric, and I can say I am the same way with my...

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Henry, Oliver & Milo's Quilt Patterns

Sewn Quilt Patterns Surface Pattern Design Tutorials

Henry, Oliver & Milo's Quilt Patterns

  Longarm quilting above is by Sarah at Stitchmode Quilts   I knew I wanted to design quilt patterns for each of the kiddos in their new fabrics once I started seeing the strike-offs for their fabrics from Moda Fabrics. I thought it would be fun to design kits for each of the collections!  Purchase the full Quilt Pattern Bundle here! I started with Henry's! This one requires the most cutting and piecing but I like the effect it has. The idea is that these kind of look like a men's tie. Henry loves accessories. He has a variety of scale...

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Half Square Triangles: Four at a Time


Half Square Triangles: Four at a Time

Have you tried making Half Square Triangles four at a time? In most of my modern quilt patterns I call for Eight at A Time but this method is also a close favorite. In my next quilt pattern - The Oliver Quilt Pattern this is the method I use. Check it out!

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For My Boys: My Debut Fabric Collection

Meet Sewn Surface Pattern Design

For My Boys: My Debut Fabric Collection

    I have been dreaming of the day when I would see my name on the selvage of a fabric collection and I cannot believe it is now a reality. This dream started in 2019 when I took the first ever Immersion course that Bonnie Christine offered. I had previously taken every other class I could find from her on Skillshare.    I was listening to a portfolio review and someone said that the boy fabric market is underserved. My heart started racing because I am surrounded by that exact market every day. I wanted to design a collection that...

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Why do you quilt?

Meet Sewn Tutorials

Why do you quilt?

  Why do you quilt? Who do you quilt for? Have you ever stopped to think about it?  I have always loved to make things. I love to work with my hands and see something come to life! I learned to quilt in high school and made all four of my best friends quilts when we graduated so we would have something to link us together while we were away at our separate colleges.  Last spring I found out my best friend, Emilie was going to have twin boys. Making us both twin boy moms. They were bookends - mine...

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