The New Normal

Meet Sewn



Hey quilt-y friends! 

It's been a minute. (A crazy minute!) Life has changed in an amazing way since January 21st. Maybe this post is mostly for me because I feel like the details are already slipping away, but I hope you enjoy it too. I just wanted to share a few of the details about their arrival and what life has been like since.

On January 4th, our boys tried to come early. While I was hanging clothes in our closet I had a strange thought all the sudden, "Our boys are coming." A few hours later I got a text from my mom. She was checking on me because she had a "weird babies-coming feeling." I continued to have a stomach ache throughout the day, and finally decided to call the doctor. She told us to head into the hospital, and it's a good thing we did because we were in active labor. We spent that weekend in the hospital where I received two rounds of steroids to help their lungs develop in case they had to deliver. Those steroids and the other medications they gave me were great for the boys - but awful for me. That was a rough weekend... 

We got home and I spent the next two weeks on bedrest. Looking back - this was a huge blessing. It gave us a trial run of what being in the hospital would be like so we knew what we needed to add to our bags. I also needed those two weeks to recover from the pre-term labor. When labor started again - we were ready! (Or at least as ready as you can be for twins.)


By the end I only had about three shirts and three pants that would fit - ha! These are Dustin's sweatpants.


January 20th, right before dinner, I started to feel funny again. At that point, I couldn't feel individual contractions because my stomach was just already so tight. So, all I could feel was a constant discomfort. We debated if it was bad enough to go into the hospital because I had a doctors appointment first thing in the morning. I ate some dinner and went to bed. I woke up at 1 AM still in the same pain. I told myself I would give it 30 min and then decide to wake Dustin. It wasn't better after 45 minutes so I woke Dustin. We got to the hospital, checked in and immediately were taken back for a c-section. 

Henry James Schelle was born 3:46 am 6lbs 15oz  and Oliver Eugene was born at 3:48 5lbs 11oz. 


I wish I could bottle this feeling. Never have I ever felt more joy in my heart.


My entire pregnancy - Oliver was referred to as Baby A and Henry, Baby B. When my OB started the c-section she said "Ok, are you ready? Baby A is going to be born. We are getting Oliver now..... Wait!!! Baby B just jumped out! Henry is now Baby A!!" I'm not sure how he jumped out in a c-section, but Henry just couldn't wait to arrive! We have a feeling that might be indication of their personalities. Oliver is much more observant and patient. Henry is very excited and enthusiastic about everything! 

I named the boys while they were still in my belly. I'm not sure how I knew who they were - but I did. Oliver Eugene gets his middle name from my grandfather, Eddie Eugene Bishop. Henry gets his first name from Dustin's grandfather, Henry Bernard Schelle. The crazy thing is Oliver resembles me as a baby and Henry looks a lot like Dustin. Also, Oliver has a lot of facial features that get us a little misty sometimes because we see so much of my grandfather in him.


Maybe it's just wishful thinking but he has so many of my grandfather's features.



Henry is on the left, Dustin on the right. The resemblance is amazing!


After the c-section, there were some very scary and dangerous complications. I'm truly thankful for the doctors that were able to get everything under control. I am still processing everything that happened. Once I was stable - the rest of our stay was great. The boys didn't have any NICU time at all! They were big, strong and thriving. God was definitely with these sweet boys and answered all of our prayers for their safe arrival. 

As soon as we got home we got them on a very strict schedule. With twins - everyone told us that would be the key to survival. It has paid off! They have been giving us 6-7 hours of sleep since they were 7 weeks old. 




You know what people didn't tell me!? Breastfeeding is HARD! Specifically - I had no idea that it is extremely rare to produce enough milk for two babies. So, my expectations were way too high which made for some emotional roller coasters. We had to supplement with formula almost immediately. At first, this was heartbreaking to me. I felt completely inadequate and like my body was failing. I won't go much more into my feelings on all of this because this post might triple in length - ha! After a lot of tears, discussion and research I realized that fed is actually best. My babies are happy, healthy and thriving. I am providing what I can - for as long as I can. My mental state and anxiety is in a much better place. That is the most important. 




The boys have started to smile at us! It's the best feeling. They are also holding their heads up and trying to sit up which is a lot of fun! Every phase seems to bring a new activity. My days are directed by feeding, changing, sleeping and playtime. It makes each day fly past, but it also makes the weeks feel long. I can't even remember a time when they weren't here. It feels like they have always been a part of our lives.


Photo by Bree Linne Photography.


So - what now? 

Well.. I don't know. Every day is different and every week brings new challenges. A few days ago I found an hour to update my QuickBooks and felt SUPER accomplished. Quickbooks is my least favorite business to-do, so the fact that I found joy in it was hilarious. 

I'm in a new season and that's ok. Today - right now - I'm drained but in the best way. I won't gush on and on about how wonderful these little boys are. (I feel like you can clearly tell that from all these adorable photos right?) A friend suggested keeping a sketchbook nearby so that once my creativity returns I can pick it up and start sketching. So, that's where I am at. Waiting to get my creative energy back while also soaking up all these baby snuggles.

Photos by Bree Linne Photography.
Quilt pattern is Brothers Quilt pattern. Find it here!


One thing people tell you over and over is, "It goes by so fast!" 

I am (trying) to appreciate the hard days along with the great ones because I know before we blink they will be grown up. That made me teary just typing it - ha! 

I hope you enjoyed this little update and that you will stick around to see what's next for Sewn. I'll be back for sure! Right now I'm just trying to find my new normal and waiting for my creative mind to return. (I'm sure sleep will help!)





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  • Mary on

    Your boys are so precious! I’m glad you’re taking the time now to focus on what is most important. Lots of prayers for this family! :)

  • Glenda J Bishop on

    Your post was so sweet and did make this great-nanny a little weepy. I am so proud of you four and I know you grandfather would be also.
    Blessings and much love

  • Emilie on

    Beautifully written 💙💙 love those boys and your sweet little family so much!
    Xoxo Auntie Em

  • Dustin on

    Great post ☺️

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